What We Offer

Geriatric Care Management

As an Aging Life Care Professional®, I am dedicated to making life better for the elderly, and it all starts with our talking. In your first contact with me, we will talk - a lot - and I will learn about your concerns and your parent’s (or spouse’s) challenges - plus you will get a sense of me. Then, in partnership, we will come up with a first step, and in time, a plan that enhances the quality of your loved one’s life. It will be one that is designed to create the safest level of independent living possible for them.  A very important part of that plan is also that you, the family caregiver, will have greater peace of mind knowing that your parent/spouse has someone, in addition to you, who is dedicated to their well-being. An essential element of our service includes overseeing the entire care plan – being your local, professional eyes and ears to make sure that your parent is getting the best possible care. We are available 24/7 for when an unexpected need emerges.  

Very specifically, I can help with:  

  • Advocacy with medical and other professionals in your parent’s life so that their care is coordinated and consistent with their priorities

  • Assistance with navigating the continuum of care as their needs change, including hiring caregivers 

  • Determining the best housing choice, including introducing the appropriate technologies and safety measures to make it possible for him or her to stay in their home

  • Coordinating with legal and/or financial planning experts to make sure that you have everything that you and they want in place, including various advanced health care directives

  • Household management, for example paying bills, arranging for home repairs, making sure the fridge is stocked and prescriptions filled, organizing closets, etc,

  • Accessing additional services that may be available – both federal and state entitlements and local community programs

  • Promoting good communication/keeping everyone informed regarding your loved one’s care and well-being

  • Medical advocacy, including accompanying them as needed to doctor’s appointments

  • Mediating complicated or challenging family dynamics 


Caregiver Placement

If you decide you wish to hire a caregiver, we introduce you to candidates who are warm and friendly, who have had years of experience and who truly enjoy doing what they do. They will be able to help with, among other things, personal care, medication reminders, light housekeeping, meal preparation, laundry, organizing mail, and running errands. Once you’ve decided on a candidate to hire, we help you go through the mechanics of hiring and getting started with that person. You will have our expertise to guide you throughout the entire process.

How is hiring a caregiver privately different than using a caregiver from an agency?

Hiring a caregiver privately allows you to select exactly who you want, and to set the schedule exactly as you determine you need. (Agencies sometimes have minimum shift requirements and generally can’t guarantee the same caregiver all the time.)

  • YOUR caregiver works for YOU, not an agency. You can set the tone, create the job description and make known your priorities.

  • Because of the consistency of the caregiver, a close, almost family-like relationship often develops between the caregiver and your parent. The caregiver really gets to know your parent, their favorite foods, TV shows, family members, likes and dislikes. A consistent caregiver may also notice important physical or cognitive changes that someone else may not.

  • Hiring a caregiver privately may cost you substantially less than going through an agency.

  • It may also be possible for you to pay the caregiver more than an agency can, increasing the likelihood of your hiring a highly competent, motivated and loyal caregiver.

“Our family is fortunate to have found Susan. She has a compassionate understanding of the emotional and practical challenges of being a very busy “adult child” of an elderly parent.  Her empathy and professionalism carry through to the caregivers she has referred to us; they are all warm, capable and patient with my mother’s sometimes demanding ways. She is easy to work with and we have peace of mind knowing that our mother is well attended to while we enjoy her remaining years.”

— Chris L., Boston

The Process for Caregiver Placement


Step 1: Identify your loved one’s needs

We have one or more conversations to begin to identify what your loved one needs. You will no doubt have many questions and concerns; we’ll prioritize what needs to happen and when. After those conversations, we will have a good sense of what qualities in a caregiver are most important to you. We will also have gotten a sense of your loved one’s personality, which will help us in making the best recommendations.

Step 2: Introduce you to potential caregivers

We recommend one or more caregivers for you to interview. Westchester Senior Home Care is constantly adding to our list of competent, compassionate and vetted caregivers.  All caregivers go through a criminal background check through Sterling.

Step 3: Collaborate with you as you select and hire a caregiver

After you interview and select the person who you think best meets your needs, we assist with the hiring details, including helping you work out the terms of his or her employment and setting up the payroll. We will introduce you to a payroll service that specializes in household employees and who will take care of most of the payroll related paperwork.

Step 4: Assist as your caregiver starts

We provide a detailed guide for you to customize for your new caregiver; it’s a way to give them as much detail as possible about the job requirements and particular likes/dislikes of your loved one. We also provide support as needed in the initial “get to know you” phase as you, your loved one and your caregiver get accustomed to each other and the job.