Helping Hands - A Circle of Support

A weekly group that meets for an hour (via Zoom) to talk about the joys and challenges of being the adult child of a parent who is aging.  Some participants gain benefit from speaking and being heard, and others, from simply listening and realizing that they are not alone in dealing with their specific challenges.  Everyone benefits from sharing solutions that have worked for them, resources they have found, and pitfalls to be avoided.

Potential topics that are discussed:

  •  Managing the logistics of care – figuring out what they need, how/where to get the the appropriate level of care

  • Dealing with your parent’s attitude – everything from “I don’t need help” to “I need constant help.”

  • Feelings about the support, or lack of it, from your family: spouse, children, siblings, aunts/uncles, etc.

  • Your worries – fears – all of the “what if’s” that wake you up, or keep you awake, for example:

    • What will I do if she/he deteriorates more?

    • I am not ready for them to die - I have so many unresolved issues.

    • What will I do when one of them dies and now I have the other one to take care of?        

  • Gaining a greater understanding of the aging process and dementia

    • Learn how to distinguish if behavior is normal or early dementia and who to talk with about this

    • Best strategies for dealing with dementia

  • Thinking about how to make their home better for them – a safer, happy place to be

  • Assessing when it’s the right time to consider a move to Assisted Living (or other option)

  • Strategies to maximize enjoying spending time with your parents – how to have the visits not be consumed with doing tasks, and more filled with quality time     

  • Learn the indicators and pitfalls of ageism, and ways of dealing with it